Justification By Faith

Jim Leffel
Romans 4:1-25

From the beginning, justification before God came through faith. Paul shows how Abraham's life exemplified how righteousness was granted to him because of his faith. When we understand God's unmerited favor and grace, we are confident and hopeful to see Him act. In addition, grace by faith allows for humility, gratitude, and motivates good works based on the faith we've received.

Achieving the Experience of Unity

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

The central importance of Christian community is how to achieve and cultivate God-given unity. This is possible for all believers, who have each been indwelt by the same Holy Spirit. Preserving relational unity within Christian community requires humility, love, and forbearance. As we make efforts to grow the unity we have in Christ, God's church is able to flourish in its witness to those who don't know God.

A Credible Witness

Jim Leffel
1 John 3:16-18

Jim Leffel uses the example of Elijah and the Sidonian woman to issue this challenge: are we, as the Body of Christ, prepared to go where the gospel needs to be preached? God not only calls us into uncomfortable places that are overwhelmed and overrun with needs, He also calls us to learn from the very people we're called to serve. Leffel speaks frankly on our position of economic prosperity as the American church and teaches on how to handle wealth with maturity, humility, and under grace.

Jesus Heals a Royal Official's Son

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 3:20

Jesus called on a royal officer to trust him to heal his son. The royal officer put his faith in Jesus' ability to heal, and Jesus healed his son. We are called to put our faith in God as we move forward in life based on the ways He has provided for us and revealed Himself to us.

The Visit of the Magi

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 2:1-16

Magi learned of Jesus' birth and went out looking for him. After following a star, they found Jesus and gave him gifts. The visit of the Magi displays three ironic reactions to Christ's birth. With Herod, there was a paranoid hostility resulting from how he projected his own abusive power onto the one who came to save him. With the chief priests and scribes, there was an indifference that resulted from being too "good" to make time for the Messiah. Finally, the magi displayed a humble seeking. Even though they knew the least about the Messiah, they found him when they looked.

The Birth of Christ

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 2:1-14

The birth of the savior occurs in an unspectacular fashion. Christ voluntarily gave up his perfect position for a life of humiliation, misunderstanding, and rejection. He takes this low standing to show people how desperate their situation is, wholly displaying that God loves us with an amazing love.

Leadership and Humility

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 5:1-7

Leadership is necessary and a provision from God, to give the church protection and direction. Good leaders care about God's people, have humility, and seek God's will over their own. Leader's shouldn't be in it for the money, or personal gain, but because they love God and God's people. Good leaders can have an incredible impact on individuals lives within the church!


Gary DeLashmutt
Mark 10:35-45

God's key to authentic greatness is through honoring Him to advance His purposes among people. Instead of trying to exalt self, God's design for being great in His Kingdom requires voluntary suffering for Christ and serving others in love. Those who are committed to honoring God through suffering and serving for His sake develop real fulfillment and joy in their lives. The idea of being great for God's sake is a noble cause, but one that requires self being put aside to glorify God.

Parents and Children

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 6:1-4

Living a purpose-centered life applies to all of the relationships believers have with each other, including parents to children and vice versa. Children are to obey and honor their parents for their own benefit. Parents should avoid performance-based acceptance and disengaged relationships and keep four points in mind: 1) knowing & serving God is the purpose of life and the primary goal of parenting, 2) gain awareness and development of personal strengths, 3) be aware of how their strengths can be a deficit & ability to grow in self-discipline in these areas, and 4) know how to address sin patterns. Most importantly, parents need to stand under grace and keep learning humility.