Conflict Resolution in Marriage

Ryan Weingartner
Colossians 3:18-19

Within the marriage relationship conflict should be expected and can be healthy when handled properly. Basic conflict resolution principles are given with many marital examples. Initiating conflict should be a choice rather than a reaction and must be covered in prayer. By following the principles given, conflict can take a marriage to new heights.

Bearing Good Fruit

Scott Risley
Colossians 1:1-12

Paul begins his letter to the church at Colossae with a prayer. Paul encourages this group for their love for people and the way God has grown them to this point. Paul also prays for the ongoing spiritual growth of this community. Paul encourages the church to bear good fruit for God strengthened by His power and love.


Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:28-29

Paul instructs the Colossian believers about the importance of disciple-making (intentionally helping individual Christians grow in spiritual maturity). This ministry is for all believers, not just Paul. There is diversity in how we go about it (e.g., spiritually younger, peer-to-peer, one or two at a time, etc.). There is also unity in what we do: 1) regular study and application of God's Word; 2) intentional effort given over time; 3) regular prayer for each other; 4) dependence on God's Spirit to supply His dynamic energy. Imagine what God will do through our lives if we let Him use us in this way!

Spiritual Transformation

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:9-12

Paul describes his ongoing prayer for the Colossians to undergo a comprehensive spiritual transformation. God desires we center our lives on Him and grow in 1) active goodness towards others; 2) personal intimacy with Him; 3) becoming more steadfast and patient, and 4) deepening our joy and gratitude. God transforms us as we meditate on the Gospel and ask Him to illuminate the Gospel's application to our lives while in the context of Christian community.

Demonstrating the Reality of Christ

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:3-5

In Paul's prayer for the Colossians, he thanks God for many things that they are doing well. According to the Bible, a healthy church will prioritize the values of faith, hope, and love

Lessons on Prayer

Ryan Lowery
Acts 12:1-17

When Peter is arrested and put on death row, God miraculously saves him as an answer to prayer. There are four principles about prayer to be learned: 1) God does not always answer prayer; 2) persistence in prayer is important; 3) corporate prayer is important; and 4) it is important not to miss answered prayers.

Praying to the Father

Jim Leffel
Matthew 6:7-13

We learn about the purpose behind prayer. We start with Jesus' message to his disciples about prayer which most people know as "The Lord's Prayer" and break it down. God wants us to come to Him and pray as children. We learn about God's goodness, His will, and His provision; what this means for our prayers; and we see how prayer is meant for us to connect with God in a unique personal relationship with Him.

The Father's Reward

Jim Leffel
Matthew 6:1-6

The uniqueness of our relationship with God the Father is broken down into three parts: 1) the Father's passion towards us as His children, 2) the Father's redemption of His people, and 3) the Father's reward. The Father's reward is not something we work for to bolster our own image but instead work that points others to God.

Features of a Transformed Community (Part 3)

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

A heart of prayer includes rejoicing, where we get excited about the things of God and offer praise to Him. It also means praying continually as we trust that He is faithful in any situation. Finally, it involves practicing gratitude in any circumstance.