The Way of Biblical History

Jim Leffel
Psalms 110:4

During one of Abraham's travels he meets the priest and king Melchizedek. God reveals Himself through Melchizedek by showing throughout the history of Scripture a prophetic image of the coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus, like Melchizedek, was both priest and king. He came to earth to be the final mediator between God and a fallen humanity. Jesus is also king and ruler over all.

The Resurrection

Jim Leffel
Luke 24:1-12

Is it reasonable to believe in the resurrection of Christ? The account of the empty tomb is presented and the historicity of the event is examined. Prophecy and historical evidence from the Old Testament book of Psalms and the letters of Paul are explained in connection to the resurrection.

Mountaintop Experience

Conrad Hilario
2 Peter 1:16-18

Jesus takes his three closest disciples---Peter, John and James---up to a mountain to pray. There, Jesus transforms into his glorified state. Moses and Elijah meet with Jesus. The disciples hear God's voice call Jesus ?His Chosen One,? referring to the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. This moment displays for the disciples and followers today that Jesus is God's son and the predicted Messiah; he supersedes Moses, the Prophets and the Law. Later in Peter's writings, he refers to this mountaintop experience and how God used it as an encouragement. Believers should enjoy and remember moments when they personally experience God, but we should not rely on the fleeting experiences for our faith alone.

The Cross

Jim Leffel
Colossians 2:13-15

Jesus went to the cross as a willing sacrifice for the sins of humanity. He was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy concerning the Messiah. The certificate of debt nailed above his head to the cross did not record his sin, but ours. His sacrifice was the embodiment of God's judgment of sin and His love for humanity.

Things to Come

Jim Leffel
Luke 21:5-38

Jesus teaches the Olivet Discourse, a prophecy concerning the end times. Signs of these times include war, famine, natural disaster, relational discord, the destruction of Jerusalem, and the regathering of the Jewish people. We don't know when the end of the age will be, but some of these signs have been fulfilled in recent years and eventually, Christ will return.

Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem

Jim Leffel
Daniel 9

Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem contained two main ironies: 1) he came on a donkey; and 2) his victory speech was a lament. Leffel breaks down how his unconventional arrival fulfilled Old Testament prophecies, especially the Daniel 9 prophecy.

Breaking Their Rules

Scott Risley
Luke 5:21-6:11

Jesus clashes with followers of the Law concerning forgiveness, fasting, and the Sabbath Day. Jesus proclaims himself ?the Lord of the Sabbath,? which further angers the Pharisees.

A Typical Work Day for Jesus

Scott Risley
Luke 4:14-44

Jesus' authority and miraculous power draws growing attention during his early ministry. His identity as the Chosen Son of God is confirmed in three accounts: his claim to be the promised Messiah within the synagogue; as he frees a man of demonic possession; and finally, when he heals Simon Peter's sick mother-in-law.

Jesus' First Teachings

Dennis McCallum
Isaiah 61:1-2

Jesus' first declaration that He is the fulfillment of ancient messianic prophecies and His teaching is followed by miraculous acts of healing and exorcism, challenging the naturalist to consider the existence of the supernatural. Supernatural claims in the Bible are compared to those of other world religions, showing Biblical miracles to be astoundingly unique, indicating that Jesus' miracles are symbolic of his deity. Skeptics are invited to approach God with a desire to be convinced of the supernatural, and with an expectation that the same God who created the universe will answer by bringing the miraculous into their own lives.