Balancing Ministry and Family

Doug Patch

Doug Patch discusses how to face the challenge of the sacrifices we need to make as parents juggling ministry and family life and how to do that with a good spirit and not with resentment.

Waiting on God

Scott Risley
Romans 4:20-21

Abraham struggled to wait on God's timing in fulfilling His promises. Abraham had a son with Hagar when he felt he couldn't wait any longer on having a son. God came down and revealed to Abraham that this wasn't His plan, and He showed Abraham the magnitude of His promises. God showed Abraham that through his son with Sarah He would build a great nation.

The Mysterious Melchizedek

James Rochford
Hebrews 7:14-27

Abraham meets Melchizedek after a battle and Melchizedek blesses Abraham. Melchizedek is called the king of Salem and a priest of God Most High, i.e., a king-priest. So what are priests? Do we still need them today? Find answers to these questions through this study of Melchizedek and the implications his life and position have for us.

Life out of Death

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 4:15-16

During a Jewish feast, many Greeks seeking spiritual insight come to see Jesus. Jesus gives the illustration of a seed falling into the ground and dying to bear fruit; teaching the principle of life-out-of-death. He applies this principle in 3 ways: 1) out of Jesus' death we receive eternal life; 2) as we die to self and sacrifice our fleshly desires, we gain a deeper spiritual life;3) our ongoing death to self brings life to others.

The Cross

Dennis McCallum
Luke 22:39-23:38

It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of Jesus' death on the cross! Not only did Jesus endure immensely painful physical torture and humiliating psychological torment, he also bore God's judgment for all of humanity's sin and was rejected by his Father. As arrogant humanity acted out its historic contempt for God, God acted out of His humble love for us by offering us forgiveness through Jesus.

The Last Supper

Scott Risley
Exodus 12:1-14

Jesus teaches his disciples about taking Passover at the Last Supper. He shares this meal and reminds them about the foreshadowing of the Passover lamb in the Old Testament and that he is their Passover lamb that will be sacrificed for them. Both Passover lambs highlight two events: 1) the unrepeatable day God's people were saved from slavery; and 2) the time believers look back in gratitude remembering that day. As believers we can also look forward in anticipation of the first Passover we will eat with Jesus.

Sacrifice - Die First!

Clive Calver
Genesis 22

Christians are called to a life of sacrifice and dying to self. Examples abound in the persecuted church all around the world - people who have learned to die to themselves and, as a result, have seen God move through them and work in miraculous ways. It is through our willingness to hand over our lives wholly to God that He is able to work His plans through us.

Bear One Another's Burdens - A Study in Galatians 6

Scott Risley
2 Timothy 4:7-8

Galatians instructs us to bear one another's burdens but just verses later says each person should carry his own load. To understand this, we must first understand the difference between a burden and a load and be able to distinguish between the two in our own lives. Each of us was given a race marked out by God that we are responsible for, but we are also responsible to one another in times of crisis and tragedy, when things are too much for one person to handle alone.

The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Scott Risley
Luke 18:9-14

Jesus told the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector to demonstrate what is needed to be right with God. While the Pharisee demonstrated self-righteousness in his prayer, the tax collector demonstrated humility and his need for mercy in his prayer. Righteousness before God can only be obtained by faith in Jesus' atoning sacrifice, not on the basis of our own works.