Failing to Grow

Chris Hearty
1 Corinthians 3:15

Our relationship with God is not static, and Christians can fail to progress in their spiritual growth by refusing to listen to God and others' counsel in their lives. A growing Christian, on the other hand, is accustomed to the Word through study of the truths of the Bible and personal application of his or her knowledge. Growing Christians are also committed to understanding God's grace, as the author of Hebrews demonstrates by correcting his audience for returning to Old Testament rituals once again.

No Give On the Gospel

Gary DeLashmutt
Galatians 1:6-9

Paul defends the Gospel against false teaching put forth by the Judaizers. Paul's passion against false teaching is reflective of God's response to false teaching. If jeopardizing people's physical health is a grave problem, how much more is jeopardizing people's spiritual well-being? Adding works to the Gospel reverses the Gospel so that it is no longer good news. The Gospel brings life and this message is more important than its messenger.

Entering God's Rest

Scott Risley
Genesis 2:2

The focus is on entering God's rest. Topics include an explanation of how we know this promise of rest extends to us today, what rest is, and how we can enter it. Whether pursuing salvation or spiritual growth, we can never add anything to Christ's finished work. God invites us to enter into His rest TODAY.


Dennis McCallum
Philippians 2:7-8

The God of the Bible is unique in His desire to communicate and to have a personal relationship with humanity. The most profound way in which He has done this is by choosing to come personally to Earth in the person of Jesus Christ. The person of Christ ushered in a way of relating to God that is far superior to following rules and laws: that is grace.

God's Ultimate Self Disclosure

Conrad Hilario
Philippians 2:4-11

Despite its unknown author and somewhat obscure background, the book of Hebrews opens with a bold and clear claim that God has spoken to humanity, first through the prophets and ultimately through Jesus Himself. God desires to reveal Himself to His creation, and Jesus is the exact representation of God's very nature. He is both fully God and fully human, and His incarnation demonstrates God's humility in a powerful example for Christians and non-Christians alike.

God Revealed

Dennis McCallum
Psalms 19:1-14

Is God separate from the creation of the universe? Can Science and Christianity really have agreeing statements? God gave use both the mind to conceive of scientific facts and, in creating the universe, gave us a number of scientific facts to see how His intent is visible in the universe. God has also given guidance to us in our lives just as He guided the universe's creation and our own creation which is in His image.

God Speaks

Conrad Hilario
Psalms 19

David's psalm celebrates God's revelation of Himself to humanity through creation and His written Word. David celebrates God's revelation of His character through the manner of the world's design. Finally, David rejoices in God's revelation of Himself through His Word, leading people into a life within God's Will. Includes a video about the fine-tuning argument.

Meeting Up With God

Dennis McCallum
Psalms 86:1-17

Any relationship has two persons involved and involves interaction to some extent. Our relationship with God is one that we may be neglecting because we don't see him face to face, but it is by far the most intimate and complex one because He is our creator and we are made in His image. Some questions we can ask during our time spent talking and learning with God are: who are you talking to?; what is He like?; what has He done for you currently or in the past?; and what the answers mean for your life.

Turning Toward God

Chris Hearty
Psalms 32:1-11

David's agonizing psalm portrays a godly picture of repentance. The stories of David's adultery with Bathsheba, his murder of Uriah, and confrontation with the prophet Nathan demonstrate his change of heart back to the Lord. David's failure and change of mind offer insights into what it looks like to truly agree with God about one's sin.