Walking on Water

Scott Risley
Matthew 14:22-33

When the disciples saw Jesus walking on water toward their boat, Peter called out to Jesus, who invited him to come out of the boat and join Him on the water. But Peter took his eyes off Jesus and onto the waves and storm around him and began to sink into the waves. When we have a horizontal focus, we only see the danger but when we have a vertical focus, our problems seem more like challenges. As Peter began to sink, he called out to Jesus who reached out and rescued him. Be like Peter, get out of the boat, focus on Jesus, not the dangers, and call out to Jesus.

Walking on Water

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 14:22-33

Jesus comes walking on water in a heavy storm and the disciples are amazed. Jesus challenges Peter's lack of faith that he can provide for them. The doubt of Peter highlights what happens when Christians adopt a horizontal perspective and focus on other things rather than looking to Christ for provision. Often, the horizontal perspective leads to more problems, including anxiety, anger and ingratitude. What Jesus is trying to teach his disciples is to look towards him with a vertical perspective amidst the "waves" or problems that arise in our lives.

Feeding the 5000

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 14:1-20

Jesus performs a miracle by providing food for 5,000 people with two fish and five loaves of bread. The food in this event is a metaphor for spiritual provision. Jesus calls on his disciples to deliver the food, exemplifying what Christian ministry or service looks like, as God uses Christians to bring God's power into others lives. God has the ability to use Christians powerfully, but asks that we be responsive to His call. Ultimate provision is found through Jesus Christ.

Faith that Works

Gary DeLashmutt
James 2:14-26

Does the author James contradict the author Paul when he describes true faith as faith that works? No, rather they are each describing two different situations. James is arguing against a mere mental agreement with certain doctrines in order to gain God's acceptance. James is describing words that demonstrate living faith and this is consistent with God's promises. Application for readers today starts with personal belief in Jesus' death on the cross and then living a life of taking steps of faith for God. \r\n

Having Ears to Hear

Scott Risley
Matthew 13:1-23

The parable of the farmer going out to sow seeds mark the beginning of Jesus only speaking to the crowds in parables. The Pharisees and spiritual leaders had begun to realize Jesus was often critiquing them when he addressed the crowds following Him. They became increasingly hostile to Jesus so He began speaking in parables so those with ears to hear would hear and those who did not desire to hear truth, would not hear.

Jesus Versus Religion

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 11:16-12:21

Jesus and his disciples break grain during the Sabbath, infuriating the Pharisees. Jesus goes to discuss the difference between the "religious" mentality of the Pharisees versus what God actually cares about. Jesus argues directly with the Pharisees about their hypocritical religious mentality. For the religious, the focus is following all sorts of external regulations to be seen as righteous before people and seeing this as the way to please God. Jesus came to point out that real righteousness comes from humbly recognizing our inability to meet all the regulations of God's law, but instead to admit our brokenness and ask for forgiveness in faith. God desires to show people compassion rather than needing sacrifices from them.

Old Testament Lessons for the New Testament Church

Jim Leffel
Exodus 11:1-12:51

The Bible claims divided loyalties have always been present in the human heart. Paul appeals to the Old Testament account of the Israelite's Exodus from Egypt to point the New Testament Church away from idols and back to Christ.

Grow or Groan

James Rochford
James 1:1-11

Troubles and suffering are an inevitable part of human existence. When faced with suffering we can either use it as an opportunity to grow and build character or become bitter. We are provided with sufficient knowledge to have faith that God has a plan for us and will grow us through Jesus' example on the cross and knowledge that he suffers with us and for us. James also warns of having divided loyalty between God and earthly riches because riches will eventually fade away.

The Parable of the 3 Managers

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 25:14-30

Jesus tells a parable of a master who goes away on a long journey and gives three managers the responsibility of taking care of his assets before he returns. The first two managers invested the assets wisely, while the third didn't invest. When the manager comes back, he rewards the faithful investment of the first two managers and exposes the wicked and lazy attitude of the third servant and casts him away from his presence. Through this parable, three lessons are communicated: 1) God is the owner and we are all managers; 2) God gives us both freedom and responsibility in our management; and 3) the key to a favorable verdict is faith in God. As Christians, we should handle God's resources not only faithfully, but in light of His return.