The Problem with Selfishness

Ryan Lowery
2 Timothy 3:1-5

How do you live sacrificially in a world full of selfishness? Paul speaks to Timothy about the last days, the final stage in human history before the second coming of Christ. The last days, he says, are characterized by great selfishness; a characteristic we can clearly see in our world today. The problem is that our way of thinking is completely contradictory to God's. While our culture claims that loving self is the key to happiness, God puts forth that we were created for the purpose of loving others. As representatives of a counter-cultural God, we should be characterized by our kindness and love of others.

The Branch

Jim Leffel
Zechariah 6:12-13

Jeremiah describes Israel's future King Messiah and likens him to a branch. Jeremiah states this king will be from David's family line - wise and just. He will also be the people's righteousness, meaning that through this king people will have right-standing before God who is perfect. The king is able to be the people's righteousness because he is also their priest. The Messiah is able to extend forgiveness to all people. In this hope through Christ the Messiah, we are able to have freedom, are incorporated into his kingdom, and become spokespersons for God to tell others about this good news of grace.

Jesus in the Old Testament (Part 11)

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 55:1-11

Four passages predict and describe the Messiah's ultimate reign but focus on his prior sufferings as God's Servant. These passages detail centuries in advance the specific suffering he would go through for the very people who were persecuting him. His death was the ultimate payment for humanity's sins and our response to his sacrifice on the cross impacts our lives for eternity. Because of God's great love for us, He makes eternity available through simply turning to Him and accepting His Servant's work on the cross to pay for our sins.\r\n

Farewell Ephesus

Ryan Lowery
Acts 20:18-38

Paul's farewell to Ephesus contains a unique look into his relationships. It demonstrates how serving God is relational, dynamic, and unpredictable. It requires endurance and care for those one is serving. It is also about entrusting yourself to Him in order to give to others with integrity. Ultimately, a life of serving God results in real friendship.

Jesus in the Old Testament (Part 3)

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 22:1-14

God's love is demonstrated through the earliest event that predicts the coming Messiah through Abraham and his son Isaac. This is shown through two kinds of Messianic prophecies: 1) historical; 2) typological. Through Abraham's faith being tested as God calls on him to sacrifice his son Isaac, God's faithfulness is revealed as He provides a ram to take Isaac's place. This is a picture (type) of what God will do through His Son Jesus. There are many pictures (types) through Abraham and Isaac's story that point to what happens with Jesus as he is the sacrifice for humanities sin.\r\n

Why Rituals?

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 9:1-12

The Old Testament rituals within the sanctuary were regulated for the people to be able to worship God. All of the elements of Old Testament ritual represented the distinctiveness between God and fallen humans, and our utter rejection of His Law, provision and authority. The Old Testament rituals were a form of teaching to symbolize what Christ would ultimately fulfill. Now, these rituals are obsolete because of Jesus, giving Christians bold access to worship God under radical grace.

Cultivating a Tender Heart

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6:12

In the Christian life and ministry there is a need for both toughness and tenderness, a paradox that we all face. We need toughness because Christian work is hard. We face attacks from Satan, failure, doubts, people walking away from God, criticism, and much more at times. In order to withstand this, we must learn how to draw near to God for strength. We do this so that we do not become hardened and self-protective, because Christian work involves exercising sacrificial love repeatedly and moving towards people. There are many consequences if we harden our heart in response, but also practical suggestions for how to cultivate this tender heart.

The Blessings of Generosity

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 9:10-15

God's generosity towards us is the basis for us being generous to others with our resources. As we agree with God's way of generous living and giving, we can store up for ourselves a spiritual harvest of reward along with being enriched in every way, according to His Word. Our generosity will result in thanksgiving to God and prove a vital witness to those who don't know God. Convinced Christians that are generous will be blessings to those around them and will store up for themselves great reward in the next life for their service to God.

Principle of Equality

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 8:13-15

Paul's instructions for the Corinthians on being generous was based on the principle of equality. The biblical picture for equality is the basis for universal human rights, reflecting God's personal concern for all people who are lacking in resources. With poverty around the world, there is more of a need to be generous (as Americans) with our vast resources to help those in need. Living in material affluence should motivate us to be generous with God's resources towards others. Addressing these big issues isn't a simple solution, but we should look to long-term strategic development in other areas of the world, where indigenous, self-sustaining solutions present themselves, and where God's message of hope can be at the center of the development work.