The Tabernacle: Salvation in Symbols

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 9:1-12

The Old Testament foreshadows the salvation brought by the Messiah through the tabernacle. The author of Hebrews reminds his audience what this tabernacle represented: God dwelling among His people; the necessity to be "clean"' before Him; the barriers between Him and man; His provision and protection; and, most importantly, how Christ is the perfect fulfillment of a complete sacrifice. Ultimately, Christ's relationship to the tabernacle demonstrates that ritualistic worship is obsolete!

Good News for Troubled Marriages (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
1 Peter 3:1-4

Part one of a two-part series on good news for troubled marriages which focuses on the wife's roles. Peter gives concise, helpful, but hard to hear principles for wives even if their husbands are disobedient to the Word. Difficult topics such as submission and respect are addressed as well as the meaning of a gentle and quiet spirit. When women engage their disrespectful spouses, God can do big things.\r\n

Leading the Church in Stewardship/Generosity

Jeff Gordon
Titus 3:14

God calls us to be generous with our resources, and leaders must often help develop the burden for financial generosity in the people they lead. This is done in love through prayer, helping people develop their own convictions based on what the Bible says, and allowing the Holy Spirit to work. By looking at several past campaigns at Xenos, Jeff Gordon offers practical insight into what has made some successful and some unsuccessful.

The God of Mercy

Jim Leffel
Exodus 11:1-13:16

Through the Passover, and those after, the Lord foreshadows the sacrifice that Jesus would make on the cross on behalf of humanity. The blood of the lamb during Passover represents the blood that Jesus would pour out on the cross. Just like Pharaoh, the Egyptians, and the Israelites', we also need to decide whether or not to accept God's mercy.

Focus of Faith (Part 3)

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 13:10-16

The author of Hebrews stresses the fact that God was at work in the Old Testament through instituting a system of sacrifices that describe the human condition and prepare humanity for Christ. The author urges his audience not to fall into old ways of relating to God, but instead to see the fulfillment of the Old Covenant in Christ. Instead of offering literal sacrifices to God, Christians are instead called to follow God by choosing to give their whole lives for his purpose.

Will We Be Self-Serving or Other-Serving?

Dennis McCallum
James 5:1-6

We learn in James 5 that God is vehemently opposed to the rich person's self-indulgence, hoarding of wealth, and mistreatment of the poor. The Christian who understands God's mercy and love should lead a life of simple-living and sacrifice, that involves high prioritization of generosity to the poor. The American church has historically been weak in this area. As a result, there is a need for strong leadership in the church on this issue, and for individuals to come before God in deciding how much to give.

A Credible Witness

Jim Leffel
1 John 3:16-18

Jim Leffel uses the example of Elijah and the Sidonian woman to issue this challenge: are we, as the Body of Christ, prepared to go where the gospel needs to be preached? God not only calls us into uncomfortable places that are overwhelmed and overrun with needs, He also calls us to learn from the very people we're called to serve. Leffel speaks frankly on our position of economic prosperity as the American church and teaches on how to handle wealth with maturity, humility, and under grace.

Abraham's Supreme Act of Faith

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 11:17-19

Through the story of God calling Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac, we see not only an ideal demonstration of faith, but also an amazing picture of God's eventual solution for humanity's problem of sin: Jesus Christ. We draw several parallels between the account of Jesus' death and this account of Abraham and Isaac. Even though Abraham didn't know what God's plan was, he still obeyed, trusting that God would provide, and God did provide (through a ram then and then later through His son Jesus). \r\n

The Rest of the Story - The Resurrection

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 24:36-43

As believers it's vital that we provide evidence that Jesus was resurrected. Without that, our faith is futile. We can find more evidence supporting its reality than evidence against it. Here is the supporting evidence: we know that Jesus appeared to multiple people who were able to provide eyewitness testimony; the tomb was empty; and the church was started and then grew tremendously. Because we know that the resurrection occurred, we know that God accepted Jesus' sacrifice on our behalf.