Dimensions of True Spirituality

Jim Leffel
Romans 12:1-8

What does it look like to live the Christian life in the framework of Christian community? Because of the crazy times we are living in today, we want to be deliberate in bridging the gap between where the lost and hurting people are and where there is real hope in Christ. Instead of being defeated by all the dismaying obstacles in our way, we can ask, "Where do I see opportunities to build up God's Church? Where can I share the gifts God has given me?" True spirituality recognizes what God has done and what it means to be His children.

Jesus Takes on Tradition

Dennis McCallum
Mark 2:18-3:6

Although traditions can be fun (like Christmas traditions) in historic Judaism and Christianity, tradition has too often replaced God's word. This is the "problem of wineskins" that Jesus takes on in Mark 2 and 3.

Praise the Lord

Chris Hearty
Psalms 103:1-22

In Psalm 103 the psalmist reflects on the futility of worshipping or putting our trust in anything except God, as anything else is fleeting and unreliable. In God the psalmist finds forgiveness and eternal life, as well as meaning as he puts his trust in God. When this dynamic is in our lives we will enjoy our relationship with God and appreciate His great gifts more.

Showing Love to God

Ryan Lowery
Hebrews 13:15-21

The author of Hebrews concludes by urging believers to continually offer thanks and praise to God. We can show love to God by saying thank you and giving glory to God, living our life with God, singing and praising Him, being generous to others in need, and shepherding His sheep.

Where Can I Flee God's Presence?

Conrad Hilario
Psalms 139:1-24

David describes God's inescapable presence, that no part of our life or heart is outside of his purview. On the one hand this is amazing, but on the other it threatens the autonomy our sin nature clings to. When we turn to God, however, we find that while He knows everything about us, He loves us anyway and that while there is no refuge from God's presence, there is refuge in His presence.

The Mission of the Church

Conrad Hilario
Romans 15:15-21

Paul explains that worshipping God is not just something Christians do on Sunday, but rather should encompass our entire lives. It should involve offering God praise, thanksgiving, and material resources, but the crucial part is sharing the message of Jesus with the world. This is controversial in today's culture, but is the only reasonable response if the Bible is true--and it is the central mission of the church.

Living Stones

Ben Foust
1 Peter 2:4-10

Peter uses the metaphor of the temple to describe the proper functioning of the church. The stones represent individual believers, each with their own role, but also working together toward the purpose of proclaiming the excellencies of Christ to the world. The cornerstone is Christ, whom the whole building is built around, but who is also a stumbling block for those who disbelieve.\r\n

The Body of Christ

Chris Hearty
Romans 12:3-21

The Body of Christ is filled with people with many diverse giftings, supernaturally empowered to serve the Body of Christ as well as the world at large. Every member of the Body has a unique role that they can fulfill to demonstrate the love of God to a lost world. God is calling each one of us in the Body to step out in faith and let our love for one another shine brightly in a dark world.

Transformation Turning Point

Chris Hearty
Romans 12:1-2

Chapters 1 through 11 of Romans is an exposition of the incredible mercies of God. In Chapter 12, Paul exhorts us, based on all that God has done for us, to give our entire lives to serving God. Many Christians mistakenly believe engaging in worship is an isolated event, distinct from our other Christian or worldly activities. The book of Romans refutes this idea that reduces worship to merely singing, dancing or praising God. Romans, instead, is consistent with the rest of the New Testament that presents worship as giving our whole lives to living in obedience to God. It is a life of lived out every day in thankfulness.