The Great Tribulation: God's Judgmental and Redemptive Activity

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 6-16

John describes what we can expect in the end times: God's judgmental and redemptive acts. God allows humanity to rebel against Him, but one day He will reluctantly alienate those who do not accept His leadership. His desire, however, is for people to turn toward Him. So, while in the final days He will act as judge, He will also reach out to people in extraordinary ways to reveal the path to salvation.

Foundation for Life's Purpose (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 1:1-14

God's purpose for us includes a future hope in our inheritance, and living with that in view transforms our lives! Having the assurance of an eternal inheritance defines how we serve, and how we view others.

Death: The Final Foe

Dennis McCallum
John 11

Death is heart breaking and unavoidable. But God has given us the solution to death through His son's payment of our sins on the cross. Jesus conquered death through his resurrection. We now have the option to live forever with Him.

The Woman at the Well

Dennis McCallum
John 4:1-42

Jesus interacts with a Samaritan woman who was drawing water from a well. He reveals who he is by telling her things about her life. He claims he can give her living water. When she realizes he is the Messiah, she is so excited that she stops what she is doing and runs to town to tell people. Jesus offers salvation to all people, even those who think they are the worst sinners.\r\n

Spiritual Rebirth

Dennis McCallum
Numbers 21:8-9

Jesus has a conversation with a Pharisee named Nicodemus. Jesus explains that the way to the kingdom of God is through spiritual rebirth. Those who put their faith in Jesus Christ receive eternal life.\r\n

Focusing on Eternal Things

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 5:1-10

As we encounter sufferings in this life, we have the option of where to place our focus: temporary versus eternal. Focusing on eternal things means: considering the transformed body we will receive from God in heaven; a reunion with God without sin or sadness and understanding how He truly worked in our lives; and the rewards we will receive from our service towards God. Considering eternal things can shape our service towards God and others in this present life.

Meager Faith Richly Rewarded

Jim Leffel
1 John 5:13

The miraculous healing of Jairus' son and the unclean woman demonstrate that Jesus has the power to overcome death, and his resurrection gives purpose to our lives as Christians. Both Jairus and the woman approached Jesus from a position of weakness and trusted that he would be faithful to his promises to them, and since they acted in faith before seeing God's provision, they both grew in their trust and intimacy with Him.

Is Death's Separation Permanent?

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

There are two kinds of grief: 1) sadness because of temporary separation; and 2) hopelessness because of permanent separation. Paul explains that while believers may grieve the loss of a loved one, our separation is only temporary. God promises a personal embodied reunion for those who believe in Him. The promise of our future resurrection is rooted in Christ's past resurrection.\r\n

Finishing the Course

Jim Leffel
Acts 20:24

As Paul's life comes to a close, he reflects on his past, present, and future in his last letter to Timothy. \r\nPaul's past demonstrated faithfulness to what God entrusted to him, and in the present Paul continued to live a life characterized by sacrifice for God. Lastly, Paul looked forward to the crown of righteousness that God promised him in eternity. All of these reflections enabled Paul to fulfill his ministry, and modern Christians can likewise have the same hope and motivation to be faithful to Christ in their own lives.