Sex and Marriage

Conrad Hilario
Matthew 19:4-6

God values marriage and sexuality immensely, and He desires for them to be honored by all. The Biblical view of sex and marriage, however, is incredibly different from the modern perspective in its definition, norms, and preparation for marriage and sex, and yet modern research demonstrates that the Biblical perspective is the only method that brings true fulfillment. Single Christians should seek to develop the skills necessary for a good marriage, and those that are married should work hard to maintain the health of their marriages as well.

Living the Life of Faith (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 19:4-6

The author of Hebrews instructs the church to maintain the honor of marriage. Contextually, this serves as another expression of faith for the Christian believer. This instruction serves as a counter-cultural perspective leading to thriving marriages as a witness to the watching world.

Sex and Marriage

Scott Risley
Hebrews 13:4

We learn about God's design for sex and marriage, and why His design is superior to the world's views of sex and marriage. According to our culture, sex is a chemical reaction that gives humans the urge to mate?simply a bodily function that means nothing. Under this perspective, sex is a means for expressing ourselves and is an unpredictable feeling; there is no basis for morality. And thinking this way has only served to create emptiness, loneliness, disease, lower sexual satisfaction, the inability to form healthy families, and damaged children. God places great value and honor on sex; He says marriage is the only safe place for something as powerful as sex. In the marriage context, sex enhances unity, which, in turn, allows for pleasure, procreation (provides a safe place for children to be born and raised), and the ability to resist the temptation of infidelity.

Husbands and Wives

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 3:1-7

At times, the Bible has been accused of promoting misogyny. But with correct interpretation, Scripture actually presents a compelling case for equality and an overwhelmingly positive stance on marriage that stands apart from its culture. When understood correctly, we are presented with a framework that allows for unity and love between spouses.

The Real Meaning of the Law

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 3:24-25

Paul instructs Timothy about how to approach false teachers who are inaccurately using the law. Paul reviews for Timothy the purpose of the law: to show humanity how they fall short of God's perfect standard and that they need a savior. Humans can only gain righteousness through grace, not by following the law. The law also defines what is sin.

Reaching Couples

Doug Franck
John Rue
John 4:35-38

Starting up a four week series on marriage is a great way to reach out to couples. Through these laid back meetings couples develop a healthier understanding of self, experience sacrificial love, increase their interest in understanding God's perspective, and it opens doors to share the Gospel. It is important to become equipped with relevant material that will help facilitate discussion and to pray that God would bring people closer to Him.

Marriage and Family, God's Way

Scott Risley
Colossians 3:18-21

God has a specific design and way he desires us to live out our marriages and family life. Within marriage, God's emphasis is each partner playing their role within marriage. For the husband, that means to demonstrate sacrificial, loving leadership like Christ. For wives, this includes support and respecting the husband's leadership.

Conflict Resolution in Marriage

Ryan Weingartner
Colossians 3:18-19

Within the marriage relationship conflict should be expected and can be healthy when handled properly. Basic conflict resolution principles are given with many marital examples. Initiating conflict should be a choice rather than a reaction and must be covered in prayer. By following the principles given, conflict can take a marriage to new heights.

Marriage and Family: The Way It Was Meant to Be

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 5:22-23

Paul explains how we can please and serve the Lord in all that we do, including our relationships within the family unit. God has established roles within marriage, and Paul addresses husbands and wives of their roles and how to submit to one another in love. Children also have a unique role in how they can honor God by obeying their parents.