Putting on Christ

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 3:9-17

Putting on Christ is living out the new identity God has given us. This involves a transformation powered by God as we cooperate with Him. God produces selfless qualities in us that make us more like Christ. This results in lasting love relationships that are unifying and produce peace which are in contrast to relationships that do not follow God's way.

The Spiritual Mindset

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 3:1-12

What is doubt and how should we deal with it? This is the first of a two-part series on doubt that addresses what doubt is, what it is not, and what it might look like in the life of a believer. Everyone struggles with doubt at some point in their lives. We should pursue our doubts and search out answers to the questions we have. Common issues that trigger doubt and the problem of evil in the world are also discussed.\r\n

The Servanthood Perspective

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 1-2

Like so many of us, the Colossians were tempted to drift away from the simple message of God's grace. Paul points out that God has appointed everyone in the church to service for God, which includes suffering on behalf of other people for the gospel. Christians have been given the responsibility of telling the lost world about Christ's free gift of salvation and leading them into following Christ with their whole life. This work is empowered by God and has the goal of encouraging, unifying people, and building understanding of Christ and what He has done for us.

The Mystery of the Kingdom

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 8:11-14

Jesus uses parables to teach about the Kingdom of God. The Mystery of the Kingdom that Jesus is teaching about is the period in history between Jesus' first and second coming. Each of these parables affirm what the Old Testament Prophets taught but also reveals something new. God's priorities are explained and His will revealed through these parables. He desires all people to come to Him and those who do get the privilege of having a role in sharing His Good News to others.\r\n

Being About What Really Matters Most

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 13:1-7

The center of Christian spirituality is love. As our most basic need, God has promised to meet our need for love so that we can be empowered to give His love to others. Experiencing love is found through giving ourselves to others for their good, producing real joy. Biblical love is centered around God's grace and is: committed, excited for others' success, and able to extend radical forgiveness based on God's forgiveness towards us.

What About Israel? (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Romans 10-11

God has ushered in a unique time of human history when He will work through the nations to accomplish His purposes. Nevertheless, God has not forgotten Israel and is committed to using them in the future. His future plan brings to light the principles of understanding versus hearing, where the Jewish people stand in terms of God's grace, and what happens to people who haven't heard about Christ. God's relentless love is pursuing all people through the message of Jesus Christ.

Reasons to Change Your Life

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 5

The forgiveness we've received through Christ motivates us to lives of sacrificial love. Understanding God's grace compels us to live our lives free from damaging patterns including sexual immorality, poor use of speech, and greed. Instead, we can understand how to live as God designed us and demonstrate His truth in our lives and in our relationships. This allows for gradual movement from self-centered living to others-centered living.

Back to Square one

Jim Leffel
Romans 7:21-25

Our new identity in Christ makes us dead to the law. However, many encounter problems in their Christian life when they attempt to grow by focusing on the law instead of grace. While the law exposes our sin and highlights God's moral character, it is insufficient to cause real change as it stimulates us to rebel against God more. Instead of legalism, we are able to grow as we deepen our appreciation for God's grace in our lives and depend on Him in faith for real character change by the Holy Spirit's power.

Discovering a New Kind of Freedom

Jim Leffel
Romans 6:12-23

The freedom we experience is correlated to how we present ourselves to God: in our old self or in the new identity He has given us. Our new identity gives us freedom to stand under God's grace and present our lives as instruments to be used by Him. As we experience freedom from the enslaving old habits that are destructive, we can develop long-term, satisfying desires in our walk with God as He causes growth in our lives.