The Spirit-Filled Life

Scott Risley
Ephesians 5:18-21

Ephesians Chapter Five speaks of the three aspects of being filled with the Spirit. First, speak to oneself in spiritual hymns, psalms and songs. Second, always give thanks for all things. Third, be subject to one another in the the fear of Christ. If you are not experiencing a spiritually fulfilled life, have you received the Holy Spirit? If you have, are you asking to be filled with the Holy Spirit?

Transforming Leadership Part 2:Character and Competence

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 13:7

The household of God is a life lived in community with other Christians. The house church is a place a seeker can explore if the Word is true and if they can see themselves as one of them, the members of the house church. Titus is reminded that he should choose leaders that exhibit character that is above reproach and have competence and confidence in the Word.

God's Triumph

Mike Sullivan
Romans 6:23

Christ won a great triumph on the cross. As Christians follow him, he leads us in triumph by making us a sweet aroma of of the knowledge of Him wherever we go. People react in different ways to this aroma. To some it is an aroma of life and to others it is the stench of death. We can be aromatic in a good way by following Christ's lead, by giving your life to God to love others, and by remaining true to God's Word.

The Walk of Wisdom

Scott Risley
Ephesians 5:15-17

Six practical tips for learning God's Will: 1, Make sure you have a relationship with God. 2, Understand the different types of decisions. 3, Be willing to follow His lead. 4, Knowing God's Word is essential. 5, Pray and listen. 6, Seek the counsel of others. Walking wisely means making the most of the time God has given you. Knowing God's will is a great treasure, available only to those who really want it. It is worth it!

How to Get the Most Out of God's Word

Gary DeLashmutt
James 1:19-27

James writes to the deceived Christians a blunt rebuke and gives them a description of authentic spirituality. He explains how to listen to God through His Word. The key is having the proper heart attitude before, during and after approaching His Word. Before, come as a sick person, in need of help. During, come with humility, eager to receive the Word. After, come with the intent to act upon what the Word reveals.

How Do I Know God's Will for My Life?

James Rochford
Ephesians 5:15-17

The Bible gives five means for discovering God's will for your life. Growing in your knowledge of the Bible allows you to know God's nature and values which reveals His will for us. Praying is how we access "the counsel of the Lord." We can ask Him! God has given us the ability to reason which is another way to discern God's will. Seeking mature advice from other Christians is a wise way to discover God's will. Our personal desires can also reveal God's will for our lives. He created each of us for a purpose and implanted desires in our hearts that fit that purpose.

God's Good News

Ben Foust
Romans 1:1-7

The book of Romans is the Good News of God about the essential issue of mankind. God has done something so that we can come to Him and have a right relationship with Him, in this life and the next. The Gospel is about Jesus, sent from the Father, born into the human race, evidenced by miracles, died on the cross and rose from the dead, and provided the way for all people to be reconciled to God.

Combating Spiritual Deception

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 10:1-6

Paul's weapon against false teachers was God's Word communicated with God's power. Church leaders are responsible to protect members from spiritual deception by providing spiritual nourishment, examples of Christ-like love, direction and protection from falsehood. Church members are responsible to grow in spiritual discernment by practicing discernment of external messages and internal though-habits.

A Man of Great Faith

Patrice McCormac
Nehemiah 2

Nehemiah is a great example of faith from the Old Testament. He demonstrated biblical faith by being willing to act according to God's Word with complete dependence upon God. His first step of faith was to pray to God. He viewed his circumstances in light of who God is. He then waited on God to direct him. He looked to God to determine the value of his step of faith.